Nicholas Joseph Pezant - Online Gedenkwebseite

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Nicholas Pezant
20 years
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mom 2 Waylon Kitchens Good Night..Sweet Dreans! June 14, 2009
Edoth Mom of ^j^ Dennis November 8, 2008
Denise,all of  our days  can be so draining & emotional,but today I hope  that u are able  to  Celebrate Nicholas's life & find joy in all he  brought to u.Memories  are  what we  have & I know our boys filled  our  loves w/so many of them,happy & sad.With the Holiday approaching,remember Nick @ his best,doing the things he loves the most.Keep his memory alove every day.It will  help to  ease the pain of  his not being here  even for  a little  while.
I have  to tell u this,,yesterday I was going thru my favorite  file & deleting things  I don't use much anymore.I have alot  of  our Angels  saved there .Sadly ,way to many,So,I was just gonna keep  My sons there  for  now.,I wasn't  able to  delete Nick's..It was  like he was  right there  saying,"I'm not going anywhere,especially the day before my B-Day."LOL Then this morning,I saw  u visited  Dennis.Our Boys work in strange ways ..Nick is  safe  in my  favorites  still & I'll get here  to  lite a candle  more  often..U take care & Stay Strong..Hugs,edith
Ruby fellow las-memories member November 8, 2007

It is very hard when a loved one so young as your precious baby passes away and even harder when a birthday or anniversary comes around. Just never forget any of the precious memories that he left behind.


God Bless.



Edith Thompson AofA @nd Angelversary February 4, 2007

Denise & family,I hope that tomorrow u all will be filled  w/happy memories of ur Angel Nicholas.As time goes on,I pray that we all will find the  peace that our Angels now have & so rightly deserve.God  Bless u today & always.  Edith Thompson, Another Angels  Mom


Alice Greer Wonderful Son January 24, 2007

Nicholas, it seems we were meant to be close friends.  I know you are so special and loving just through the stories I have heard. What a special son your are!

Take care of your Mom, Dad and Sister.  Keep sending those messages.  I know you already are aware, but your Mom is the greatest.  Help her to continue to be strong and giving. 


Nicholas Another Angel January 14, 2007

Denise,As ur  son joins w/ALL of  our Angels,know that they are  @ peace & watching over us,free from pain.They will help us  to move forward as best we  can.They brought us  all  together to  learn from each  other & help each other.Our Angels  have  made  us  Family.Stay Strong & know that AofA is  always  here  for  u & urs..

Love  Edith Thompson


Sandy LaCagnina A Beautiful Angel January 13, 2007



You have created a wonderful web site.  I love all the pictures of Nicholas.  He is so handsome.  I am so sorry for your loss.  I see by the web site that you know that he is not gone, but simply gone ahead of you to the next dimension which we shall all one day be again reunited with our kids.  We are so glad that you found the Angels of Addiction group and have become a sister with us. 


Thank you for sharing your son with us.  I truly believe I am blessed to have so many Angels in my life.  Other than our members, I can't think of anyone else who has so many beautiful young Guardian Angels.


In peace,


Jason Barganier's Mom

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